Features Pro ini diambil langsung dari situs Camfrog
- Pro users can view up to 100 video windows in video chat rooms. Camfrog is the only webcam software with Camshare technology that allows multiple SUPER FAST video windows. Some Camfrog rooms have hundreds of users with super fast video, it's incredible!
- See HUGE live video windows, resize video windows to any size.
- Locate what room a user is in.
- Add cool text effects to your video windows.
- Send files to other Pro users. Sending files works behind firewalls and routers.
- Make your IM and chat windows transparent so you can easily see the video behind them.
- Remotely access your webcam from another computer with a password. See what's going on at your house while you are away via super fast streaming video. - Show a time log of when you last received an instant message from someone.
- Keep a history log of all video chat room and one on one video chats, plus keep a history of all IM messages.
- Drag your contacts to the desktop to see when your friends come back from being "away".
Kalau lihat cam menggunakan Camfrog versi free:

Kalau liat cam menggunakan Camfrog versi racun:

Kalau send file menggunakan Camfrog versi free:

Tulisan yang tebal adalah feature yang bisa di-unlock dengan trik ini.
Tanpa basa-basi deh.
Klik Start - Run
Kemudian copy & paste code dibawah ini - Klik OK
(*biar gampang code ini disebut code racun)
REG ADD HKCU\Software\Camfrog\Client\CurrentVersion\ProfileInfo /v ActivationData /t REG_SZ /d 64F83D22FF426DA4380BEE36D4AB93ACE3B99632052E5C19BD7E0A61A24610D31B73215
BC01CB14068DB118AC310F2A7 /f
*Code tersebut = satu baris

Aturan pakai (lakukan langkah tersebut pada saat...)
- Sesudah Join Room
- Sebelum menonton Cam (*kalau mau cam-nya bisa diperbesar)
Pantangan (JANGAN lakukan langkah tersebut pada saat...)
- Sebelum Login
- Sebelum Join Room (*termasuk pindah room)
Kalau pakai code tersebut, jangan lupa penawarnya
(*biar gampang code ini disebut code obat)
Klik Start - Run
copy & paste code dibawah ini - Klik OK
*Code tersebut = satu baris
REG ADD HKCU\Software\Camfrog\Client\CurrentVersion\ProfileInfo /v ActivationData /t REG_SZ /d "" /f

Aturan pakai (lakukan langkah tersebut pada saat...)
- Sebelum Sign On.
- Sebelum Join Room.
Pantangan (JANGAN lakukan langkah tersebut pada saat...)
- Tidak ada pantangan.
Bingung gak...?

Begitu juga saya yang nulis
Mudahnya begini:
Saya mau unlock beberapa feature, pakai code racun. Login, terus join room, barulah anda gunakan code racun. Kemudian saya mau pindah ke room lain, karena ternyata saya masuk ke room-nya para HOMO

Efek samping code racun:
- Lupa code penawar sebelum join.
- Lupa code penawar sebelum Sign On
You were kicked for using a modified version of Camfrog. Uninstall Camfrog and reinstall it http://download.camfrog.com. If you continue to use modified illegal software you will be banned permanently from Camfrog and you may be prosecuted. Your IP xxx.58.33.xx and nickname "ryan_bizboy" has been logged by our central server.
Disconnected: for using a modified version of Camfrog
You were disconnected. Try to reconnect.
More video chat rooms are available at http://videochat.camfrog.com.

Intinya gunakan code penawar sebelum sign-on & join room. Simple kan...
Kabur ah...
Kenapa nggak menggunaka crack camfrog yang biasanya ada di rapidshare ? Udah nggak bisa kaleee...
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